The Octa-Decimal classification (ODC)  is a bibliographic and library classification schemes developed by Manoj Kumar Sah in the beginning of 2004. ODC provides a systematic arrangement of all fields of knowledge organized as a logical in which subjects are related and inter-linked. It has provided a large number of facet indicators. So, it has been able to provide class numbers for many compound and complex subjects. Therefore ODC is called an almost faceted scheme for classification.

The ODC has used the following notation or symbols: Indo-Arabic numerals (0 to 9), Roman capitals (A to Z excluding I, N, O, & V)  & Punctuation mark (dot   “.”)

Parts of the scheme
The scheme consists of : 1. Main schedule and 2.  Common auxiliaries
1. Main schedule
The ODC  has been organized the universe of knowledge into three broader groups  and arranged into Eighteen Main Classes
2. Common auxiliaries
The common auxiliaries are applicable through out the various main schedules. The various tables of common auxiliaries and their connecting symbols are given in the following table:

KForm of Documents
LLanguage Table
MMatter Table
PPerson Table
QQuality Table
TTime Table
WArea Table
A0W76           Politics of Nepal
A0W76V2      Bibliography of Politics of Nepal